Channel: October 2016 - The Old New Thing
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Was it intentional that the Media Control Interface has the same acronym as a...

The Media Control Interface is a programmable interface to multimedia peripherals. It’s probably best known for providing an easy way to prank somebody by repeatedly opening and closing the CD tray....

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Three short questions about LogonUser (with answers!)

A customer had a Web service that runs processes as specific users. There may be multiple such processes running at the same time for a single user account. Here are the questions. And just to be nice,...

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Using DuplicateHandle to help manage the ownership of kernel handles

A customer was using a third party I/O library that also gave you access to the underlying HANDLE, in case you needed it. The customer needed that underlying HANDLE so it could pass it to...

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Is there anything better than GetThreadTimes for obtaining per-thread CPU...

A customer was using the Get­Thread­Times function for high-resolution profiling of performance-sensitive code, but found that its accuracy is rather poor. They were hoping there would be something...

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Why is Identical COMDAT Folding called Identical COMDAT Folding?

We saw a while ago that the linker will recognize that two functions consist of the same code sequence and will use the same bytes to represent both functions, a process known as identical COMDAT...

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Microspeak: lift up

Today’s Microspeak is the verb phrase “lift up”. Here’s a citation: [After a long detailed discussion.] I want to lift up a little and talk about why this is important. I didn’t know what this...

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Why does the documentation for ReadFile say that the lpNumberOfBytesRead...

The documentation for the Read­File function says BOOL WINAPI ReadFile( _In_ HANDLE hFile, _Out_ LPVOID lpBuffer, _In_ DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, _Out_opt_ LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, _Inout_opt_...

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How to electrify your own fence: ProcessStrictHandleCheckPolicy

During process termination, if you try to enter a critical section that is owned by another thread that has already been terminated, the gates are now electrified, and the kernel simply terminates your...

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Why does SetThreadPriority sometimes take a really long time?

A customer had a video application that gathers information as it runs. Every so often, they need to take all this information, process it, and save it to a database. They perform this processing every...

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This processor has no stack (insert spooky laughter)

In the early days of computing, most processors did not have what we today would consider a “stack”. Everything was done with static data. Subroutine linkage on these systems was typically done by...

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